vrijdag, juni 03, 2005

HIP- not so HIP May

HIP/ not so HIP May, according to Anna:

1. The visit of President Bush in Limburg on Memorial Day:
Although this 60th memorial day of the people who died in World War II is of course not a happy fact, I do appreciate the visit of the president of the USA. Instead of almost all dutch people, I don’t hate this man THAT much, and his presence on this important day was a very positive action of him. Especially for the dutch and american veteran soldiers and the relatives of the citizens who died.
2.Liberation Day: 60th celebration of the liberation from WWII, always very special, with lots of concerts throughout the country. Also Prince Willem-Alexander who replaced his grandfather Prince Bernhard at the ‘defile’ of veterans.
3. Alonso’s 4th victory: at Nürburgring/Germany this time. Thanks to Raikkonen actually, his crash in the last lap, due to big trouble with the tyres. But that’s the way F1 is. Now it’ll be very difficult for the other drivers to beat him in the fight for the World Championship.
4. The starting of Roland Garros: every year this is a fantastic tournament, exciting matches, great players especially from Spain and Latin-America, and the perfect weather.

Not so HIP
1. Laetitia Griffith leaves parliament and becomes alderman in Amsterdam: we don’t have much good politicians in the Netherlands. Lots of them are old people who keep having this job without doing anything special. Griffith was one of the not so much very good young politicians, who’s specialized in subjects of justice. She was on the list of the VVD and was elected 2 years ago. And now she prematurely leaves! I don’t think this is fair towards the people who voted for such a person. There are more members of the VVD who did this before. It’s a shame. Don’t tell me there aren’t appropriate other candidates for the Amsterdam-vacancy.
2. Onur Air: this Turkish airplane business wasn’t allowed to fly to the Netherlands anymore because it was unsafe. People who booked a holiday to Turkey got into trouble. Some even had to fly back with another company, to Belgium, while their car was parked at Schiphol, Amsterdam. The stupid thing is that after a while they were allowed to fly again, yesterday there was proof they’re still unsafe.
3. Yes-campaign of politicians for the European constitution: a shame how the politicians threatened the citizens for not voting against the constitution. They gave us the chance to vote by a referendum, so except the result. But beforehand they already told us over and over again that a ‘no’ would mean war, disaster and so on. They spent millions on this propaganda, and it’s their own fault it didn’t turn out that way (but more about this in june’s report). The citizens don’t want this big Europe.
4. The naturalisation of Salomon Kalou: this soccerplayer of Feyenoord wants to get the dutch nationality as soon as possible. But there are thousands of other people who also want that. The reason that he’ll be important for the dutch national soccer team is insane, because we have enough other good players. Kalou just has to wait. Very dumb of all the soccer ‘analysts’ who wanted to convince the minister of this ‘importance’. Actually it’s HIP of minister Verdonk that she didn’t collapse because of all the stupid pressure.

HIP/ not so HIP May, according to Liz

1. Liberation Day and the defile of the Canadians who visited Apeldoorn. It was an impressive event, not only because it was 60 years ago that they set us free, but alos because it might have been there last visit.
2. Liverpool wins the Champions League and beats Milan. Who would have ever thought that?
3. Alonso’s fourth win in the Formula 1 of this season. As Raikonnen crashed, the change he will be the next World Champion is getting bigger.
4. I booked my ticket to Buenos Aires. It took a while and it will take a while before I go, but that I go is fur sure now.
5. The french vote NON.

Not so HIP
1. A lot of people died in Iraq. It is like violence never stops over there. Last monthe the deathrate was higher than ever.
2. the naturalisation (or not) of the soccer player Kalou. Like we would become world champion with him. If he wants to become Dutch in three years it is early enough ( I don’t believe that he will still be living in the Netherlands in three years, and if so, he probably isn’t as good as “we” think he is).
3. The Dutch Yes campaign in favour of the European Constitution gets a bit dirty and politicians start to threaten the people who want to vote against it with war and an even worse economic situation then we have right now.