dinsdag, juni 14, 2005

HIP coaches

HIP Coaches, according to Anna:

1. Jose Mourinho (soccer, Chelsea): one of the first moments I heard about him, I thought it was an asshole, because of his behaviour towards Frank Rijkaard. But actually I don’t really know what it was all about. And then I saw him during the Champions League. The incident when he wasn’t allowed to sit besides the field during the match. He’d got such a punishment before but then he managed to communicate with his assistants by cellphone or something like that. So this time everybody was alert, but he wasn’t even in the stadium. I still wonder what he did this time to have contact with his assistents. I’m sure he’d done another funny trick. Heavenly funny, I love this ‘recalcitrant’ behaviour. Besides this, he’s also just a good coach, helped Porto and Chelsea back to the top and gave Robben all the trust he needed during his injuries.
2. Bart Schouten (icespeedskating, USA): HIP because he made a speedskating country of the US and because he looks hip (for his age..).
3. Frank Rijkaard (soccer, Barcelona): with his relaxed attitude, he made an incredibly good team of Barca, which is able to beat the golden players of Real Madrid. Had been a good player and a great coach of the dutch national team as well. He made one of the best teams in years, but had some trouble with penalties...
4. Flavio Briatore (F1, Renault): Maybe not really a coach, but well. I like the italian, a little bit of mafia, style, that specific attitude which I can’t describe, and the way he managed to make a very good car for Fernando Alonso and give him all the trust to go for it. (just forget all his mistakes with Naomi Campbell etc.)
5. Marco van Basten (soccer, dutch national team): Although a lot of times I really don’t understand his decisions, he still proved to be right, and that’s the hip thing about him. He created a very young and talented new ‘Oranje’ and had the courage to say goodbye to oldies Davids, Kluivert and Seedorf. He’s right about that, but I still don’t get the ‘van Bommel’ decision... We’ll see. Finally become world champion??
6. Jacco Verhaeren (swimming): the driving force behind the many (olympic) victories of Pieter van de Hoogeband, and also former coach of Inge de Bruyn.
HIP coaches, according to Liz

1. Frank Rijkaard. He was a good soccer player, he fitted in every team he played, his biggest mistake as coach of the national team was quitting after the team lost in semi – finals, and now he is doing a marvellous job at the Barcelona soccer team. I think he will be a big one, the first of a new generation of great coaches (together with Van Basten, Ronald Koeman and less good Gullit). He mostly looks really calm and does not fear trying something new.
2. Sjef Janssen/ Anky van Grunsven. Anky van Grunsven is not only the best horseback rider of the world right now, she also trains a few of the best horseback riders, and upcoming horseback riders. Her husband, Sjef Janssen is her trainer and rides her horses when she is not able to ride (broken leg, pregnancy). He made her the best of the world (besides her own qualities).
3. Gerard Kemkers. Speedskating coach of the TVM team. Last Olympics his skaters scored enormously, and in 2004 Renate Groenewold was the first female Dutch Worldchampion Long distances(at least in ages).
4. Marco van Basten. He had the change to become one of worlds best soccer players (I think every soccer fan knows some of moves) but has to stop his career because a bad ankle. In first instance he did not wanted to be involved in anything that was related to soccer. This made him look around. After some years he followed a course for soccer coach and now he is the newest coach of the Dutch National team. (and pretty successful till now)
5. Bart Schouten. The second speed skating coach. Scores good results with most of his skaters. Probably going to TVM after the Olympics.
6. Jacco Verhaeren. Swimming coach of Pieter van de Hoogeband (and others)
7. Arsene Wengen. Coach of Arsenal. Lots of soccer players who did not really succeed in other teams (Bergkamp and van Persie)


At 12:10 p.m., Blogger Liselotte said...

hoe kon ik Mourinho nou vergeten...nou ja, ik had er al zeven; meer dan genoeg en jij hebt hem nu ook genoemd. ANders hadden we weer hetzelfde geroepen!

At 2:09 p.m., Blogger Anna said...

Ach ja ik vergat Wenger weer...
Maarruh, Bart Schouten maar op 5? ;-) Ik vind hem behoorlijk hip! hihi

At 11:17 a.m., Blogger Liselotte said...

tja, ik werd een beetje moe van het heen en weer geschuif...keuzes maken is gewoon niet mijn sterkste kant.... en beslissen wie er hipper is dan de ander...zucht...

At 5:41 a.m., Blogger Steph said...

Hey, why do you guys think Bart is going to TVM after the Olympics?

At 10:03 p.m., Blogger Anna said...

I guess it was Lis having heard a rumour some months ago... I don't know... Maybe bc Kemkers went from USA to TVM too? But if he stays in USA, I'd like that too. At the moment, I'm not really liking TVM that much...


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